We wanted to arrive at the square.We wanted to do it on time.We were delayed. Traffic resulted in our delay.(请使用连接副词however)
The workers have not been paid.We have given them no pay for two months.We owe our suppliers £50,000.(请使用连接副词in addition)
My mother has come.My father has come.I have not seen them.The train was delayed by snow.(请使用并列连词)
A. 行政性
B. 同一性
C. 适应性
D. 权威性
E. 流动性
A. 有危害国家安全活动嫌疑的
B. 有严重刑事犯罪活动嫌疑的
C. 因矛盾纠纷激化,有闹事行凶报复苗头,可能铤而走险的;
D. 因故意违法犯罪被刑满释放不满5年的
E. 吸食毒品的