
Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices in brackets according to what you have heard.John 1 (Thomson, Thomas, Timpson) is an overseas student in China. He is from England. He studies Chinese at the university. And Lin is a 2 (first-year, third-year, fourth year) Chinese student at the university. They meet for the first time. They introduce themselves to each other with 3 (pleasure, pressure, pleasant). John is doing his Chinese 4 (progress, program, product) at the university. Lin is going to graduate a year later. She intends to further her study in the UK by working toward a 5 (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctor’s) degree. John and Lin have each other’s e-mail address and WeChat ID. They can keep in 6 (tough, much, touch) and help each other.


教师这一职业的起源于( )

A. 原始社会
B. 奴隶社会
C. 封建社会
D. 资本主义社会

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》提出,要提高教师地位待遇,并提出了一系列保障措施。下列选项中,不符合规定的是( )。

A. 落实教师绩效工资
B. 保证教师工资水平不低于其他行业水平
C. 建设农村艰苦边远地区学校教师周转宿舍
D. 对长期在农村工作的教师在工资方面实行倾斜

有学者认为,教师不是传声筒,也不是照相机,而是艺术家、创造者。这说明教师的劳动具有( )。

A. 复杂性
B. 创造性
C. 示范性
D. 长期性

“十年树木,百年树人”体现了教师的劳动具有( )

A. 复杂性
B. 示范性
C. 创造性
D. 长期性
