
Jim is a(n) ______. He is very careful and likes to work with numbers.

A. secretary
B. tour guide
C. accountant


My parents are both very ______ with their work. They don’t have too muchtime to stay with me.

A. busy
B. kind
C. careful

_________ is good for our health.

A. Staying up late
B. Sleeping
C. Getting up late

Alice hopes to _________ more friends at her new school.

A. visit
B. make
C. miss

患者,女姓,53岁,与邻居吵架后,左眼红痛天,伴视物模糊及恶心。查体:视力:右眼1.0,左眼0.1;眼压:OD:15mmHg,0S:48mmHg,左眼角膜轻微水肿及色素性KP(+),双眼前房浅,左眼瞳孔中度散大,对光反射迟钝,双眼晶状体轻微混浊,眼底视盘边界清晰,C/D=0.4,A/V=2:3最可能的诊断为( )

A. 急性闭角型青光眼
B. 角膜炎
C. 急性结膜炎
D. 虹膜睫状体炎地出
E. 慢性闭角性青光眼
