Listen to the talk about obeying school rules.
A. So they will get better grades.
B. So they don’t get into fights.
C. So they will play safely at school and home.
D. So they will become responsible members of society.
Listen to the speech on treating your neighbours kindly.
A. It is not always possible.
B. When you live beside someone you need to berespectful.
C. If your neighbour is not kind then treat him the sameway.
D. Neighbours do not get along because they live tooclose.
B. Alldriversaredistracted.
C. Lawsdonotkeeppeoplesafeontheroads.
D. Everyaccidentisthefaultofotherdrivers.
Listentodirectionsaboutetiquetteonpublic transportation.
A. Takeupanextraseat.
B. Talkontheircellphone.
C. Letolderpeoplehavetheirseat.
D. Squeezeintighter.