病人,男性33岁,炼钢工人工作中不慎被烧伤,三度烧伤面积60%,应采用的隔离方式是( )。
A. 接触隔离。
B. 消化道隔离。
C. 呼吸道隔离。
D. 保护性隔离。
E. 严密隔离。
严重烧伤的病人,经1个月的治疗,于近日出院,由于烧伤部位瘢痕较严重,病人自觉不愿见人,不想离开医院,对其心理护理措施不妥的是( )。
A. 理解病人并倾听其诉说。
B. 动员尽快出院。
C. 介绍后期整形美容治疗方法。
D. 鼓励自理,增强独立性。
E. 不回避问题,尽量稳定情绪。
According to the video, Tu Youyou, Yuan Longping and the orderly in Text A share much in common except .(此题为单选题)
A. To them, work becomes a high calling which involves“a passionate commitment to work for its own sake”.
B. They are all individuals who see their work as“contributing to the greater good, to something lager than they are”.
C. They all received a Nobel prize for their work.
D. They all gain personal satisfaction in doing their work.
In order to pursue a calling after graduation, you have to do all the following except.(此题为单选题)
A. understand the skills that you have
B. understand how you serve others
C. pick the work that has the highest salary
D. find challenges at the very edge of your ability
【单选题】单人床尺寸中宽度值不正确的是( )。
A. 0.9m
B. 0.7m
C. 1.05m
D. 1.2m