
Observing the difference between the number of basic color terms in languages, we can say that there are conceptual distinctions that are non-lexicalized in one language and not in another.

A. 对
B. 错


Our first language seems to have a definite role in shaping “habitual thought”, that is, the way we think about things as we go about our daily lives, without analyzing how we’re thinking.

A. idea
B. thought
C. habitual thought
D. none of the above

There is a strong version called linguistic determinism which holds that “________________________”.

A. thought is language
B. language determines thought
C. language changes thought
D. language is thought

Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf argue that the language of Native Americans, such as the Hopi, led them to view the world differently from those who spoke European languages.

A. 对
B. 错

These may be categories of snow for English speakers, but they are lexicalized (in other words, “not expressed as a single word”).

A. 对
B. 错
