
When an array is passed to a method: 当一个数组被传递给一个方法:

A. a reference to the array is passed 一个对数组的引用被传递
B. it is passed just as an object 它只是作为一个对象传递
C. the method has direct access to the original array 该方法可以直接访问原始数组
D. All of the above 以上都是



A. 27
B. 33
C. 38
D. 49

What do you normally use with a partially-filled array?对于部分填充的数组,通常使用什么?

A class that does nothing but manage the array 除了管理数组外什么也不做的类
B. An accompanying parallel array 伴随的并行阵列
C. An accompanying integer value that holds the number of items stored inthe array一个附带的整数值,用于保存数组中存储的项数
D. An accumulator 一个累加器

To return an array of long values from a method, use this as the return type for the method. 若要从方法返回long型数组,请将此作为方法的返回类型。

A. long
B. long[]
D. []long

In memory, an array of String objects 在内存中,字符串对象的数组

A. consists of elements, each of which is a reference to a String object.由元素组成,每个元素都是一个字符串对象的引用。
B. is always implemented as a ragged array. 总是以不规则数组的形式实现
C. consists of elements, each of which is a String object. 由元素组成,每个元素是一个字符串对象
D. must be initialized when the array is declared. 必须在声明数组时初始化
