
When a judge relies on an earlier decision, and decides the current case which is before him in the same way, he is applying the rule of stare decisis, a Latin phrase meaning, “to stand on the decision”.

A. 对
B. 错


In common law systems, judges generally have no power to change the written laws, but instead are limited to application and enforcement of those written laws of their country.

A. 对
B. 错

In U.S.A., laws concerning contracts, or injuries to persons are usually state laws-laws passed in each of the fifty states.

A. 对
B. 错


A. 国家的产生
B. 市场失灵
C. 收不抵支
D. 生产力的发展和剩余产品的出现

市场失灵的主要表现领域( )

A. 企业经营不善
B. 垄断
C. 外部效应
D. 收入分配不公
E. 经济波动
