What are the features of oral English?
A. short and simple,incomplete sentences
B. long and complete sentences
C. words that are not usually used in written English
D. formal words
昏迷患者应采取( )
A. 俯卧
B. 侧卧
C. 中凹
D. 去枕仰卧
E. 半坐卧位
某患者,有心脏病史,自行调节输液速度后,出现极度呼吸困难,咳嗽,请问应采取的卧位是( )
A. 侧卧
B. 半坐
C. 头低足高
D. 头高足低
E. 端坐位
产妇胎膜早破,采取头低足高是为了防止( )
A. 脐带脱垂
B. 羊水流出
C. 有利于引产
D. 防感染
E. 不舒适
Your analysis should be____in cause and effect writing.
A. logical
B. disorder
C. sequenced
D. indifferent