某患者服用阿托品,出现呼吸加快、瞳孔散大、猩红样皮疹,可用用下列哪种药对抗( )
A. 肾上腺素
B. 酚妥拉明
C. 地西泮
D. 毛果芸香碱
慢心率者可用( )加快心率。
A. 东莨菪碱
B. 毒扁豆碱
C. 麻黄碱
D. 阿托品
E. 山莨菪碱
The state of women’s health in America _____.
A. are obese
B. binge drinking
C. has taken place
D. is dismal
E. are getting healthier
F. seem to be smoking less
G. are dying of breast cancer
Compared to a few years ago, more women _____.
A. are obese
B. binge drinking
C. has taken place
D. is dismal
E. are getting healthier
F. seem to be smoking less
G. are dying of breast cancer