A. 反复比较、确认,但始终在犹豫中徘徊不前。
B. 哪个离我近我就抓哪个。
C. 先别管了,走到最后再说吧。
D. “我感觉这个大!”就摘这个了。
E. 再怎样也摘不到最大的,随手而摘吧。
F. 别人说哪个大,我就摘哪个。
G. 脑子短路了,自己都不知道要干啥。
H. 对视野内的桃子进行观察比较,并咨询下种桃人和其他摘桃人的意见,形成个标准,再根据这个标准选择最大的桃子。
If you love plants, the chances are you buy them on ______and then wonder where to put them.
A. purpose
B. impulse
C. display
D. cue
If you have to go through a smoke-filled area, you’d better ______with your head low.
A. crawl
B. retreat
C. proceed
D. drag
Mother ________my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her.
A. remarked
B. motioned
C. shrugged
D. impressed
If doing one thing gives you an unpleasant feeling, the normal _______would be to stop doing it.
A. perspective
B. emotion
C. reaction
D. function