
四、根据下表回答136-140题。2007年末全国就业人员76 990万人,比上年末增加590万人。其中,第一产业就业人员31 444万人,占全国就业人员的40.8%;第二产业20 629万人,占26.8%;第三产业24 917万人,占32.4%。年末城镇就业人员29 350万人,比上年末净增加1 040万人。其中,城镇单位就业人员12 024万人,比上年末增加311万人;城镇私营个体就业人员7 891万人,比上年末增加924万人。在城镇单位就业人员中,在岗职工11 427万人,比上年末增加266万人。
A.1 600 B.4 100
C.4 300 D.10 800


The highest flood referred to in the passage was about ________.
[A] 18 feet high
[B] 5-22 feet high
[C] nearly 50 feet high
[D] 52 feet high

56 A close B with C for D next

The Sydney Harbor oil spill was the result of a__________

A. deliberate act of sabotage
B. ship refueling in the harbor
C. tanker pumping oil into the sea
D. collision between two oil tankers

33 What kind of institution did the lead researcher work for?
A A medical association.
B A primary school.
C A hospital.
D A charity.
