What is the conclusion of this passage?
A. The United States will be isolated if it does not stop pursuing super affluence.
B. The poor countries will no longer supply the United States with their goods.
C. The United States should care about the well-being of other countries.
D. It is time for the Americans to help the people in poor countries to improve their living standards.
化学结构为 的药物名称是
A. 格隆溴铵
B. 奥芬溴铵
C. 克利溴铵
D. 甲溴贝那替嗪
E. 溴丙胺太林
A. ready
B. able
C. easy
D. difficult
A. 买方
B. 卖方
C. 交易双方
D. 买方或卖方