Each of the following statements concerning measles vaccine is correct except
A. The vaccine should not be given before 15 months of age because maternal antibodies can prevent an immune response
B. Virus in the vaccine contains only one serotype
C. The vaccine should not be given at the same time as the mumps vaccine because the immune system cannot respond to two viral antigens given simultaneously
D. The vaccine contains live, attenuated virus.
Each of the following statements concerning rubella is correct except
A. Congenital abnormalities occur primarily when a pregnant woman is infected during the first trimester
B. Women who say that they have never had rubella can, nevertheless, have neutralizing antibody in their serum
C. In a 6-year-old child, rubella is a mild, self-limited disease with few complications
D. Acyclovir is effective in the treatment of congenital rubella syndrome
Which one of the following statements concerning mumps is correct?
A. Because there is no vaccine against mumps, passive immunization is the only means of preventing the disease
B. Although the salivary glands are the most obvious sites of infection, the testes, ovaries, and pancreas can be involved as well
C. The diagnosis of mumps is made on clinical grounds because the virus cannot be grown in cell culture and serologic tests are inaccurate
D. Second episodes of mumps can occur because there are two serotypes of the virus, and protection is type specific
A. 焦虑
B. 恐惧
C. 绝望
D. 沮丧
E. 兴奋
A. 意识期
B. 转变期
C. 接受期
D. 蜜月期
E. 过渡期