Many peop;e find telephone interviews (difficult)__________ than face-to-face interviews.
Young volunteer enjoy (help) ____________ the senior citizens in their everday life.
It is not (surprise) _________ that this new style of hadbag is nainly purchased by young women.
Employers in a small (orgnize)___________ are especially interested in individuals with good communication skills.
连于肺动脉干分叉处稍左侧与主动脉弓下缘处的结构是( )
A. 压力感受器
B. 化学感受器
C. 胚胎时期动脉导管闭锁后的遗迹
D. 胚胎时期卵黄囊闭锁后的遗迹
E. 胚胎时期脐尿管闭锁后的遗迹