
What's English for 波涛汹涌的大海?

A. The rough sea.
B. The fine day.
C. The good day.
D. The low tide.


What's English for 国际海事机构?

A. International Management Organization.
B. International Machine Organization.
C. International Maritime Organization.
D. International Maritime Officer.

What's English for 油轮?

A container ship.
B. A general cargo ship.
C. A bulk carrier.
D. An oil tanker.

What's English for 客船?

A gas tanker.
B. A passenger ship.
C. A bulk carrier.
D. A oil tanker.

What's English for客船液化气船/油罐车?

A gas tanker.
B. A passenger ship.
C. A bulk carrier.
D. A oil tanker.
