If the security markets are truly efficient, there is no need to pay for help selecting securities.
Technical analysts look at historical prices for information to project future prices.
A. 对
B. 错
The efficient market hypothesis does not have to imply that financial markets are efficient.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 嵌板
B. 幕墙网格
C. 竖梃
D. 以上皆是
A. 幕墙的均分处,或1/3标记处
B. 将幕墙网格放到墙、玻璃斜窗和幕墙系统上,幕墙网格将捕捉视图中的可见标高、网格和参照平面
C. 在选择公共边缘时,幕墙网格将捕捉相交幕墙网格的位置
D. 以上皆对