Which one of the following statements about swaps is FALSE?
A. In an interest rate swap, only the net interest payments are swapped.
B. In a currency swap, only net interest payments are made.
C. In a currency swap, the notational principal is actually swapped twice, once at the beginning of the swap and again at the termination of the swap.
D. Swaps are a zero sum game.
Which of the following statements about swaps is FALSE?
A. The main motivation for a swap is cost reduction and privacy.
B. The notational principal is swapped at the beginning and end of a currency swap.
C. The notational principal is swapped at the beginning of an interest rate swap.
D. A plain vanilla interest rate swap is the exchange of fixed for variable rate interest.
A large publicly held company refines crude oil into gasoline and sells gasoline wholesale with long-term contracts at fixed prices. The firm also owns the land, with full rights, from which it pumps crude oil. The firm financed the purchase of the land by issuing floating-rate bonds. This firm could reduce the volatility of its earnings by entering into a(n):I Interest-rate swapII Oil commodity swap
A. I only
B. II only
C. Both I and II
D. Neither I nor II
( )下列语句是命题的为________。①火星上有生物。②今晚的月亮真圆啊!③地球外的星球上也有人。④立正!⑤不存在最大的整数。⑥明天去游泳吗?⑦9+8>14 ⑧ x+y<9 ⑨所有素数都是奇数。
A. ①②⑤⑦
B. ③④⑧⑨
C. ①⑤⑦⑨
D. ③⑤⑥⑨
( )下述命题公式中,不是重言式的为_________。
A. (p∧q)→(p∨q)
B. (p→(q→r))→((p→q)→(p→r))
C. ┐(p→q)∧q
D. (┐p∨q)∨(q→p)