
OnApril 22, 1976,theUSCongresspassedanamendmenttobroadentheAnimalWelfareAct(P.L.94-279)soasto,amongotherthings:

A. regulatecarriers,intermediatehandlersandanimalbrokers,soastorequireadherencetohumanestandards
B. specifythatalldogs—includingdogsforhunting,securityorbreedingpurposes—beprotected
C. requireaveterinarian'scertificateforanimalsininterstatetransport
D. requireallfederalagencies—includingtheArmy,AirForceandNationalInstitutesofHealth—usinglaboratoryanimalstoshowtheyfullycomplywiththeAct


Which of the following statements about the Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals Act (ISLAA) are correct?

A. On Dec 23 1985, the Food Security Act (P.99-198), an omnibus farm bill, is adopted into law.
B. ISLAA is an amendment to the AWA, intended to minimize the pain and distress of animals in the laboratory.
C. It establishes an information service in the National Agricultural Library, in cooperation with the National Library of Medicine, to provide data on alternatives to animals in research, help prevent unintended duplication of experiments and tests, and supply information to institutions for training scientists and other personnel in humane practices, as required by the new law.
D. The Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals Act (ISLAA) is included within the Food Security Act.


A. Eachregisteredresearchfacilitymustappointaninstitutionalanimalcommittee,includingaveterinarianandanunaffiliatedperson,torepresentthegeneralcommunityinterestinthewelfareoftheanimals.Thecommitteemustinspecttheanimallaboratoriestwiceayearandreportdeficienciestotheinstitutionforcorrection.Ifnotcorrectedpromptly,theUSDAmustbenotifiedforenforcementaction,andanyfundingagencyinvolvedmustbeinformedsothattheycanmakeadecisiononwhetherthegrantshouldbesuspendedorrevoked.
B. Furthermore,investigatorsarerequiredtoconsideralternativesandtoconsultwithaveterinarianbeforebeginninganyexperimentthatcouldcausepain.TheymustadheretostandardssetbytheSecretaryofAgricultureforpre-andpost-surgicalcareandtheuseofpain-relievingdrugsoreuthanasia,andagainsttheuseofparalyticswithoutanesthesiaandtheunnecessaryuseofthesameanimalformorethanonemajoroperation.Exceptionstothestandardsmaybemadeonlywhenspecifiedbyaresearchprotocolandanexplanationisprovidedforanydeviation.Finesforviolationsrisefrom$1,000to$2,500foranAWAviolationandfrom$500to$1,500forfailuretoobeyaceaseanddesistorder.EachdaythatanAWAviolationorfailuretoobeyaceaseanddesistordercontinuesisconsideredaseparateviolation.
C. OnNov281990,theFood,Agriculture,Conservation,andTradeAct(FACTA)(P.L.101-624),anomnibusfarmbill,isadoptedintolaw.ThePetTheftAct,includedinFACTA,isanamendmenttotheAWA,requiringpoundstoholddogsandcatsforfivedaysbeforereleasingthemtodealers.TheAWAisfurtheramendedtoallowtheUSDAtoseekinjunctionsagainstanylicensedfacilityfounddealinginstolenanimalsorplacingthehealthofanyanimalinseriousdangerinviolationoftheAct.
D. OnMay132002,theFarmSecurityandRuralInvestmentAct(P.L.107-171),anomnibusfarmbill,issignedintolaw.Itincludeslanguagechangingthedefinitionof"animal"undertheAWAtospecificallyexcludebirds,ratsofthegenusRattusandmiceofthegenusMus,bredforuseinresearch.(Theexcludedanimalsconstituteapproximately95%ofallanimalsinresearch.) In 2013, "An Act to Amend the Animal Welfare Act to Modify the Definition of 'Exhibitor'," added an owner of a common, domesticated household pet who derives less than a substantial portion of income from a nonprimary source (as determined by the Secretary) for exhibiting an animal that exclusively resides at the residence of the pet owner, after stores, in section 2(h).

The five "Welfare needs" declared in theAnimal Welfare Act 2006 (UK) are:

A. 1. Need for a suitable environment;2. Need for a suitable diet;
B. 3. Need to be able to exhibit normal behavior patterns (such as exercise);
C. 4. Need to be housed with, or apart, from other animals;
D. 5. Need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.

Offences in "Prevention of Harm" section of theAnimal Welfare Act 2006 (UK) include:

A. causing a protected animal to suffer unnecessarily knowing it would suffer – s4(1); unreasonably allowing an animal in that person's care to suffer from somebody else – s4(2); mutilating an animal (except where destroying an animal in an appropriate and humane manner) – s5
B. docking a dog's tail where prohibited – s6(1), s6(2), s6(3); shows a dog with an illegally docked tail at a dog show with fee-paying patrons – s6(9)
C. administers a poison to an animal (or permits to be administered) – s7(1), s7(2)
D. animal fighting – s8 — causes an animal to fight; receives money from admission to or publicizes an animal fight; provides information about an animal fight to another to enable or encourage attendance; — makes a bet as to the outcome of an animal fight; takes part in an animal fight; trains an animal to take part in a fight; keeps any animal fighting premises; attends an animal fight (without lawful excuse) — possesses a recording of an animal fight that took place in the UK (without lawful excuse) with intent to supply; shows another person a recording of an animal fight that took place in the UK (without lawful excuse)
