委托加工应税消费品收回后直接用于出售的,受托方代收代缴的消费税应计入“应交税费--应交消费税”科目。( )
企业购进农产品,一律采用10%的扣除率确认增值税进项税额。( )
A. 对
B. 错
企业计提的基本养老保险属于设定提存计划。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Which of the following is not included in portable Internet access services?
A. Mobile WiMAX
B. Portable WiMAX
C. Portable satellite
D. Wi-Fi
Which of the following can help you get Internet access from wherever you are?
A. Tablets
B. Laptops
C. Smartphones
D. All of the above