
The underpining technique in Data Flow Analysis is:

A. generalization
B. specialization
C. polymorphism
D. stepwise refinement


Data Flow Analysis is a way of achieving:

A. high cohesion
B. low cohesion
C. high coupling
D. low coupling

As Data Flow Analysis does not take coupling into account, the type of coupling that is most likely to arise inadvertently is:

A. data
B. stamp
C. control
D. common

In data flow analysis the control structure is shown in a:

A. data flow diagram
B. functional decomposition
C. structure chart
D. entity relationship diagram

Program Description Language (PDL) may be used to depict detailed design. It consists of comments connected by:

A. the macros used by the Integrated Development Environment Application
B. the Input/Output (I/O) statements used by the chosen implementation language
C. the control statements of the chosen implementation language
D. action diagrams
