
在中断响应周期中,CPU主要完成的工作是( )。

A. 关中断,保护断点、发中断响应并形成向量地址
B. 开中断,保护断点,发中断响应信号并形成向向量地址
C. 关中断,执行中断服务程序
D. 开中断,执行中断服务程序


In most cases, the ________ on a B/L refers to the seller in a business transaction.

A. consignor
B. consignee
C. carrier
D. forwarder

Shipment will be made in the coming months in 3 ________.

A. parts
B. lots
C. orders
D. factories

Assoon as the goods transacted are shipped, the seller shall send to the buyer a __________.

A. shipping advice
B. shipping order
C. shipping instructions
D. shipping schedule

We’re pleased to tell you that your goods have been shipped on LARENTIA V. 018S _________ on Jan. 19th from Tianjin.

A. carrying
B. boarding
C. arriving
D. sailing
