19世纪70年代以后,( )等人不仅主张学习西方的科学技术,同时也要求吸纳西方的政治、经济学说。他们的共同特点,就是具有比较强烈的反对外国侵略、追求中国独立富强的爱国思想,以及具有一定程度反对封建专制的民主思想。
A. 王韬
B. 薛福成
C. 马建忠
D. 郑观应
1. For most informal dinners, you should just wear comfortable, casual clothes.
But in American culture, a guest is not obliged to bring a gift.
An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You've never been to an American's home before.
The question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm.