
Which Country is Green (Low Risk) on the Dun & Bradstreet Risk Ratings September 2019 (Slide 6)?

A. Venezuela
B. South Africa
C. Sweden
D. China
E. Brazil


Which Country is Yellow or Orange (Medium Risk) on the Dun & Bradstreet Risk Ratings September 2019 (Slide 6)?

A. Libya
B. New Zealand
D. Iceland
E. Bolivia

Which City is NOT in Tom Kosnik’s Top 10 cities to do business, based on fit with his mission and funding?

A. Singapore
B. Shanghai
D. Ho Chi Minh City
E. Beijing

Which City IS in Tom Kosnik’s Top 10 cities to do business, based on fit with his mission and funding?

A. Los Angeles
B. Hangzhou
C. Dalian
D. Hanoi
E. London

What are some of the potential causes of a cultural chasm between China and the United States of America? Differences in:

A. Language
B. Laws
C. Business Ecosystem
D. Business-Government relations
E. All of the above
