
You can order as many items as you would like at one time. There is a $50 minimum order size, and the average order has around 60 items on it. The delivery fee varies according to the amount of money spent. The customer can select the day and time the order is to be delivered. Delivery orders can be made up to almost three weeks in advance.


以下被称为公文中的“轻骑兵”的是( )

A. 函
B. 会议纪要
C. 通知
D. 请示

即有来函则必有复函,有问函则必有答函。这体现了函的( )。

A. 广泛性
B. 简便性
C. 对应性
D. 单一性

会议纪要的正文主体部分常见的写法有( )。

A. 条文式
B. 综述式
C. 摘要式
D. 结论式

以下属于会议基本情况的是( )。

A. 出席人
B. 记录人
C. 开会地点
D. 主持人的职务、姓名
