
Listen and complete the conversation.[音频]Intern doctor: One of my friends is traveling to the Amazon Jungle. She was wondering what she should put in the group’s (1) ____kit.Dr. Yang: Well, I’d suggest tweezers in case of insect stings, and Band-Aids for cuts and flesh wounds.Intern doctor: She’ll need something to (2) ____too, won’t she?Dr. Yang: Yes, (3) ____is good for that. She should also pack antibiotics to treat infections.Intern doctor: What if someone (4) ____and sprains their ankle? Should she take bandages?Dr. Yang: Yes, of course. One more thing. If she’s going to the jungle, she should definitely take artemisinin.Intern doctor: That’s to (5) ____malaria, isn’t it?Dr. Yang: That’s right. It was invented by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Tu Youyou.


对日光敏感的药物是( )

A. 盐酸氯丙嗪
B. 卡马西平
C. 苯巴比妥
D. 苯妥英钠

属于吩噻嗪类的抗精神失常药是( )

A. 奋乃静
B. 氯丙嗪
C. 苯妥英
D. 氟哌啶醇

关于吩噻嗪类药物构效关系描述正确的是( )

A. 2位引入吸电子基团活性增强
B. 10位氮原子与侧链碱性氨基之间距离2个碳原子活性增强
C. 10位氮原子与侧链碱性氨基之间相隔3个直链碳时作用最强
D. 侧链伯醇与长链脂肪酸成酯,成为供肌肉注射的长效药物

小鼠常用处死方法( )

A. 多用空气栓塞法、放血致死法
B. 静脉注入氯化钾溶液
C. 断髓法(颈椎脱臼法)
D. 破坏脑脊髓
E. 窒息法
