
1.____by all the team members, they finally got the big project for their company.(2014-12)a. To be supported b. Having supportedc. Supporting d. Supported2._______the investigation, the committee published the report on the cause of the accident. (2015-12)a. Completedb. Completingc.Having completedd. To have completed3.With the work _____ (do), these scientists began to plan another research project.(2016-06)4.______the library for four hours without finding anything useful, I turned to my professor for help. (2017-12)a.To searchb. Having searchedc. Have searchedd. Searching5. _________great losses in the financial crisis, the company closed down last year.a. Being suffered b. To sufferc. Having sufferedd. Suffered



A. 项目符号和编号是指在段落前添加的符号或编号
B. 用户只能选择“项目符号库”中提供的项目符号为选定的文档设置项目符号
C. 编号与项目符号有类似的地方,编号是将连续的项目排列,使用编号可以使文档排列更有条理,让文档更有层次感
D. 项目符号或编号一经设定无法取消


A. 对
B. 错

乙醇沸点与分子量相等的甲醚沸点相比高得多是由于 ()

A. 甲醚能与水形成氢键
B. 乙醇能形成分子间氢键,甲醚不能
C. 甲醚能形成分子间氢键,乙醇不能
D. 乙醇能与水形成氢键,甲醚不能

下列化合物中,沸点最高的是 ()

A. 甲醚
B. 乙醇
C. 丙烷
D. 氯甲烷
