conversation 1
A. Itwasnotauthoritativeandthesurveyresultisobscure.
B. Themushroomswerenotcompletelymoldybeforepacking.
C. Theexternalconditionsofgoodsatthetimeofsurveywereallgood.
D. The mushrooms were not up to the standard for export.
conversation 1
B. Athoroughcheckofalthemushrooms.
C. Full compensationforanyloss.
D. Freefreight.
conversation 1
A. Theman'scompany.
B. The woman's company.
C. Theinsurancecompany.
D. Theunderwriter.
conversation 2
A. Housebubbles.
B. Houserenting.
C. Housemaintenance.
D. House buying.