Which language is the first largest language by the number of native speakers?
A. English
B. Mandarin Chinese
C. Spanish
D. German
What’s the meaning of “turn the table”?
A. 打翻桌子
B. 把桌子翻过来
C. 扭转乾坤
D. 翻手为云
What’s the meaning of “skeleton in the closet”?
A. 壁橱里的骷髅
B. 最近的骷髅
C. 最亲密的朋友
D. 不可告人的秘密
What’s the meaning of “bring down the house”?
A. 博得满堂喝彩
B. 哄堂大笑
C. 热情高涨
D. 蜂拥而至
What’s the meaning of “pull up one’s socks”?
A. 奋起直追
B. 拖人后腿
C. 一穷二白
D. 自证清白