
What's the weather like this summer in Qingdao?

A. Very hot and dry.
B. Yes, the heat is killing me.
C. I bet it will.


What is the weather report, Sandy?

A. It's 62℉ and there's a chance of rain.
B. I guess you should wear a sweater and take an umbrella with you.
C. I'm in New York now.

What's the temperature?

A. Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.
B. It's warm and sunny.
C. It's 50 ℉.


A. Is it going to be fine this weekend?
B. Is it going to be cold this weekend?
C. It looks like rain.
D. Fairly mild for this time of year.


A light wind is expected for the next two days.
B. There is a chance of wind.
C. What a hot day!
