Risk factors for preeclampsia do not include()
A. History of preeclampsia
B. Age of pregnant women ≥40
C. Diabetes mellitus
D. Placenta praevia
The vaginal bleeding during placenta previa is characterized by()
A. Painful vaginal bleeding
B. Vaginal bleeding volume is not proportional to the degree of anemia
C. Vaginal bleeding stops during contractions
D. Painless vaginal bleeding
Basic pathological changes of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy()
A. Severe water and sodium retention
B. Systemic arteriole spasm
D. High concentration of blood
The clinical manifestation of degree III placental abruption is correct()
A. Normal fetal heart when auscultation
B. The degree of shock is not proportional to vaginal bleeding volume
C. Palpation of fetal position is clear
D. Soft abdomen
The main points of identification of tubal pregnancy and appendicitis are()
A. Leukopenia
B. Serum HCG
C. Menopause
D. Right lower abdominal pain