A. 作为大学生,即使不用去前线战斗,也要为国家经济、科技、文化建设献出自己的一份力量。
B. 我们没有生活在战争年代,我们又是文弱书生,所以不需要为国家做什么。
C. 我们要增强爱国意识,构筑坚不可摧的精神长城。
D. 我们要牢记使命,勤奋学习,化爱国之志,为报国之行,不辜负祖国的培养,做祖国的生力军和坚强后盾。
1 Short conversation[音频]
A. In a bar
B. At home
C. In the office
D. At a cinema
2 Short conversation[音频]
A. Jack Kilby is not very well-known
B. Jack Kilby invented something great
C. Jack Kilby is famous for his invention
D. Jack Kilby did not win the Nobel Prize
3 Short conversation[音频]
A. Charlie Chaplin's films are too serious.
B. Charlie Chaplin's films are very creative.
Charlie Chaplin's films can't be understood easily.
D. Charlie Chaplin's films can't be compared with other films.
4 Short conversation[音频]
A. The car.
B. The phone.
C. The computer.
D. The light bulb.