
_____ 1.According to the UN’s prediction,the population growth from now to 2050_____ 2.Those countries opposed to the planting and importing of genetically modified plants worry about their safety._____ 3.The boosted of genetically modified crops argue that these altered plants need fewer toxic pesticides._____ 4.The most virus led to the loss of more than half of Africa main food two years ago._____ 5.Biotech can help to improve the farming productivity in some regions._____ 6.The most important factor that leads to hunger in developing countries is poverty, not crops failure._____ 7.The protesters of genetically modified crops mistook conventional plants for genetically modified ones._____ 8.The debate on genetically modified foods is more intense in developing countries with fast-growing and half-starved populations._____ 9.One third of corn planted in America was genetically modified last year._____ 10.Many people believe genetically modified crop can cause environment problems.


心理学研究表明,大脑能记住的信息,85%来自视觉,10%来自听觉,5%来自嗅觉和触觉。所以,( )技能是课堂教学中不可缺少的技能。

A. 导入技能
B. 提问技能
C. 板书技能
D. 结课技能

教学板书属于( )教师语言。

A. 书面语
B. 体态语
C. 口头语

下面哪一句话体现了板书的作用。( )

A. 言虽断而意相通
B. 余音绕梁,回味无穷
C. 不知手之舞之,足之蹈之也
D. 凡事预则立,不预则废


A. 对
B. 错
