

A. 对
B. 错


请直接填写答案的字母,大小写皆可,字母间不空格Introduction of Anesthesia Leads to Pain-Free Surgery1 Anesthesia to make medical and dental procedures pain-free has been called America's greatest contribution to medicine, although its development was by no means entirely American. The word anesthesia was suggested by the great poet-physician liver Wendell Holmes, who derived it from two Greek root words an meaning "without”and esthesis or aesthesis meaning "feeling." Hence. it simply means "without feeling."2 For many, many centuries man has sought to alleviate pain, trying new methods with varying degrees of success.Alcohol was—at best—inefficient and — at worst - dangerous. Opium proved to be of limited value. Hypnotism was often dramatically successful, but not all patients could be hypnotized to block out pain. It is an irony of mankind's history that when better mean;of anesthesia were discovered, they would wait for decades before being put to practical use.3 The first important breakthrough in anesthesia came in the eighteenth century. In 1772, the discoverer of oxygen, an English scientist named Joseph Priestly, also discovered nitrous oxide (sometimes called laughing gas). Although there was speculation about its possible value in surgery, sixty-two years would pass before it was used, and only after another forty-five years was nitrous oxide formally introduced to the medical profession. In 1845 a dental surgeon named Horace Wells in Hartford, Connecticut, encouraged by the successful use of the gas in his practice, demonstrated a tooth extraction under nitrous oxide at Massachusetts General Hospital. During the operation the patient made an outcry, as if he were in pain. When it was over, he reported that he had felt no pain. But the damage was done. The witnesses scoffed at the anesthetic.4 Another anesthetic substance, ether,was also slow to come into general use. Its anesthetic properties had been known since 1818,but twenty-four years elapsed before a physician named Crawford W. Long removed a tumor from a patient at Jefferson, Georgia, using ether as an anesthetic. Dr. Long did not publicize his use of ether, however,until 1849.In the meantime William T. G. Morton, a dentist,demonstrated the use of ether as an anesthetic in 1846 at Massachusetts General Hospital as the surgeon John Collins Warren removed a tumor from 2patient's neck. This time the witnesses to the operation were impressed.5 Morton then supported his previous demonstration by performing additional operations with the use of ether. He tried unsuccessfully to patent the anesthetica abolishing his practice and devoting the rest of his career to instantiating his claims - Although his efforts failed, they earned him the title of the "father of general anesthesia."6 Morton's well-publicized demonstrations brought the advantages of anesthesia to the attention of surgeons throughout the world. Its use quickly changed surgical technique,for previously speed had been paramount in surgery to lessen shock to the patient. With pain-free surgery, however, it was possible to emphasize care and thoroughness. Today,anesthesiology is a highly specialized field, and the anesthesiologist has at his disposal a vast choice of chemicals and methods to ensure that patients are free from pain during even the most serious operations.(505 words)Multiple ChoiceChoose the best answer from the four choices given below according to the text.1. The word "anesthesia" came from ______.A. the lines of a poemB. the words "asthesis" and "aesthesis"C. two Greek words meaning "not" and "theoretical"D. two Greek words meaning "without" and "feeling"2. In the tooth extraction under nitrous oxide of 1845, Horace Wells ______.A. failed to free the patient from painB. succeeded in freeing the patient from painC. convinced the witnesses successfullyD. did damage to the patient3.Crawford W. Long used ether to remove a tumor from a patient ______.A. at Jefferson, GeorgiaB. at Hartford, ConnecticutC. in New York City, New YorkD. at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston4. Anesthesia has been called America's greatest contribution to medicine because ______.A. the word was suggested by an AmericanB. most of the demonstrations of the use of anesthesia were done by AmericansC. Americans have sought to alleviate pain for centuriesD. an American surgeon tried to patent ether as an anesthetic5. Morton was regarded as the "father of general anesthesia" for ______.A. his successful attempt to patent ether as an anestheticB. his abolishing his dental practiceC. his persistent demonstrations of the use of ether as an anestheticD. his laboratory experiments


A. 道德风险因素
B. 有形风险因素
C. 行为风险因素
D. 物质风险因素

下列选项中,属于基本风险因素的是( )。

A. 火灾
B. 爆炸
C. 盗窃
D. 地震


A. 防损
B. 减损
C. 风险回避
D. 风险自留
