
Instead this cartel among women did not break down until women began to gain financial ______(depend) from men.



(英译汉)One reason for discussing listening here is because of concerns expressed by people attending assertiveness courses, many of whom are helped by improving their listening skills. For example, non-assertive people who are shy often find it difficult to begin conversations with others, especially on social occasions when they feel they have no aptitude for small talks.
Many people find it relatively easy to communicate on a professional level, on which the content of conversation is technical, technological or business oriented, but have difficulty in stepping from behind their desks and chatting with superiors, co-workers, clients and customers on a more personal level. On training courses participants previously unknown to each other will soon talk together about work-related issues --- common objectives --- but some keep silent during refreshment breaks where social chitchat is required.
Concentrating on others ---finding out their experiences, beliefs and attitudes --- is the way forward. Active listening can really help you know more about them and establish a basis for solid communication.

We don’t need to spend so much money on such a useless__ ____(decorate).

Thank you for your_____(thought), but I am scheduled to leave for Shanghai on Tuesday.
