
Directions: Translate the following text into English.
在十二世纪及随后的几个世纪中,练金术在欧洲得到广泛的研究,并引起许多有学问的人的注意 .虽然他们制造金子的种种尝试注定了是要失败的,但是他们的工作却使许多新的化学知识和实验方法得以发展。然而后来欧洲的许多炼金术士却是十足的骗子,他们施展各种诡计诈骗那些信以主真的人因而练金术也就场名扫地。到了十六世纪前半期,炼金术士的目标已经由制造黄金为制造药物了。他们特别是要寻求一种名为“长生不老”的奇异物质。一种能治百病的灵丹妙药。而且有些人认为事实将证明这种灵丹妙药和"哲人之石"是同一物质。化学的这个阶段差不多一直延续到1700年。



听力原文:I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and incomparable hospitality. The past 6 days have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.

当开发一个具体的应用程序时,开发者需要分别创建自己的Application和Document子类,例如上图中的类MyApplication和类MyDocument,并分别实现Application和 Document类中的某些方法。
已知Application类中的openDocument方法采用了模板方法(Template Method)设计模式,该方法定义了打开文档的每一个主要步骤,如下所示:
using namespace std;
class Document{
void save(){/*存储文档数据,此处代码省略*/)
void open(string docName){ /*打开文档,此处代码省略*/)
void close(){ /*关闭文档,此处代码省略*/)
virtual void read(string docName) =0;
class Appplication{
vector<(1)> docs; /*文档对象集合*/
bool canOpenDocument(string docName){
void addDocument(Document * aDocument){
virtual Document * doCreateDocument()=0;/*创建一个文档对象*/
void openDocument(string docName){/*打开文档*/
if ((3)){
(4) adoc=(5);

Trouble in Paradise Valley
A On one side of the argument there are eagles, wolves and orchids; on the other side there are endless heavy lorries and burgeoning economic growth. Welcome to Europe's new environmental battleground The conflict is coming to a head for the first time in a pristine valley in north-east Poland, crammed with spectacular wildlife, which has been earmarked as the route for a badly-needed motorway to the Baltic states. The clash of priorities has bitterly divided public opinion in Poland itself and has now set the country on collision course with the European Union. Yet the struggle to save the Rospuda valley is only the first of many conflicts likely to arise between economic development in the new EU member nations of central and eastern Europe, and their wildlife heritage.
B Species which have long been rare or extinct in western European countries, such as lynx, elk, wolf and beaver, along with scores of uncommon bird species, from eagles to corncrakes, still have substantial populations in the ten central and eastern European nations which have recently joined the EU. In Poland and the other member states which joined in 2004 (the Creek Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and the three Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), as well as in Bulgaria and Romania, which joined this year, two remarkable habitats in particular act as giant wildlife reservoirs for Europe as a whole. One is the vast extent of ancient forests, some of which are still primeval—meaning they have never been cut down and replanted—and the other is the great range of wetlands in river valleys, flood plains and deltas.
C The Rospuda valley combines both. The Rospuda river flows through the ancient Augastow Forest near Poland's border with Lithuania, one of the mast pristine forest regions in all of Europe; and the river's course is bracketed by a peat bog wkieh is astonishingly rich in mammals, rare birds, plants and insects. In environmental terms, the valley is a jewel Yet it sits squarely astride the route for one of Europe's most ambitious road schemes, the so-called Vm Baltica expressway from Warsaw to Heisinki, which will pass through the Baltic states. The section of the new road which is intended to be the bypass for the small town of Augustow, where two routes from Warsaw join, is planned to go right through the valley's heart.
D Environmentalists contend that the road will irreparably damage the valley, and insist an alternative route, further to the west, must be used; the Polish government, riding a wave of new prosperity with annual economic growth running at six per cent, and desperate to upgrade its transport links with its neighbours as quickly as possible, insists that the Rospuda route is the right one, wildlife or no wildlife. The people of Augustow, who are sick of the unending procession of heavy lorries through their town, heartily agree.
E A survey carried out by the Polish Bird Protection Society, Otop, has found that within 750 metres each side of the centreline of the proposed expressway as it passes through the valley, no fewer than 20 species of birds are breeding which are specifically protected, as rare or threatened, under European law. They represent a British birdwatcher's dream, ranging from the white-tailed, short-toed and lesser-spotted eagles, through the black grouse and the capercaillie, to the corncrake, the crane and the great snipe. There is much more. Among a profusion of rare wildflowers, there are 20 orchid species in the valley, including the last colony in Poland of the musk orchid Herminium monorchls, and mammals which are resident or pass through the forest and the marsh include lynx, wolf, elk, wild boar, otter and beaver.
F The Polish centre-left national daily newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza, has taken up the cause of saving Rospuda, and has given away green lapel ribbons for supporters to wear. An electronic peti
