A. 国家拥有中央银行的经营管理权和决策权
B. 私人股东只具有分红的权利
C. 私人股份对中央银行的决策一般没有影响
D. 采取这种央行资本结构的国家有日本、墨西哥
E. 它是中央银行资本结构的主要形式
Which of the following answer choices are correct characteristics of named access list?()
A. You can delete individual statements in a named access list
B. Named access lists require a numbered range from 1000 to 1099.
C. Named access lists must be specified as standard or extended.
D. You can use the ip access-list command to create named access lists.
E. You cannot delete individual statements in a named access list.
F. You can use the ip name-group command to apply named access lists.
A. 成囊时温度应为50℃~55℃
B. 甲醛固化时pH应调至8~9
C. 囊材浓度以2.5%~5%为宜
D. 甲醛固化时温度在10℃以下
E. 甲醛固化时pH应调至4.0~4.5
A. 运行
B. 招标
C. 竣工
D. 验收
A. 鼻胃管冷冻盐水洗胃
B. 内镜下电凝或激光止血
C. 选择性胃左动脉插管注入垂体后叶加压素
D. 静注肾上腺素
E. 静注质子泵抑制剂如奥美拉唑等