When using a high-velocity fog stream in a passageway,the possibility of a blow back must be guarded against. Blow back is most likely to occur when().
A. pressure builds up in the nozzle which causes a surge of water
B. the only opening in a passageway is the one from which the nozzle is being advanced
C. pressure in the fire hose drops below 100 psi
D. a bulkhead collapses due to heat and pressure
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 尿道前列腺部
B. 尿道膜部
C. 尿道海绵体部
D. 尿道内口
E. 尿道球部
A. 妊娠早期出现无痛性反复阴道流血
B. 妊娠晚期出现无痛性反复阴道流血
C. 出血量与前置胎盘的类型无关
D. 出血前一般有明显诱因
E. 边缘性前置胎盘通常出血量很多