An "apple polisher" is one who gives gifts to win friendship or special treatment. It is not exactly a bribe, but is close to it.All sorts of people are apple polishers, including politicians and people in high offices—just about everybody. Oliver Cromwell, the great English leader, offered many gifts to win the support of George Fox and his party, but failed.There are other phrases meaning the same thing as "apple-polishing"—"soft-soaping" or "buttering-up". A gift is just one way to "soft-soap" somebody, or to "butter him up". Another that is just as effective is flattery, giving someone high praise-telling him how good he looks, or how well he speaks, or how talented and wise he is.Endless are the ways of flattery. Who does not love to hear it Only an unusual man can resist the thrill of being told how wonderful he is. In truth, flattery is good medicine for most of us, who get so little of it.We need it to be more sure of ourselves. It cannot hurt unless we get carried away by it. But if we just lap it up for its food value and nourishment, as a cat laps up milk, then we can still remain true to ourselves.Sometimes, however, flattery will get you nothing from one who has had too much of it. A good example is the famous 12th century legend of King Canute of Denmark and England. The king got tired of listening to the endless sickening flattery of his courtiers. They overpraised him to the skies, as a man of limitless might.He decided to teach them a lesson. He took them to the seashore and sat down. Then he ordered the waves to stop coming in. The tide was too busy to listen to him. The king was satisfied. This might show his followers how weak his power. Which of the following activities has nothing to do with "apple-polishing"
A boy tells his girlfriend how pretty she looks.
B. An employee tells her boss how good he is at management.
C. A knight is said to be of limitless power by his followers.
D. A teacher praises her students for their talent and wisdom.
In a recent book entitledThe Psychic Life of Insects, Professor Bouvier says that we must be careful not to credit the little winged fellow with intelligence when they behave in what seems like an intelligent manner. They may be only reacting. I would like to confront the Professor with an instance of reasoning power on the part of an insect which cannot be explained away in any other manner.During the summer, while I was at work on my doctoral thesis, we kept a female wasp at our cottage. It was more like a child of our own than a wasp, except that it looked more like a wasp than a child of our own. That was one of the ways we told the difference.It was still a young wasp when we got it and for some time we could not get it to eat or drink, it was so shy. Since it was female, we decided to call it Miriam.One evening I had been working late in my laboratory fooling around with some gin and other chemicals, and in leaving the room I tripped over a line of diamonds which someone had left lying on the floor and knocked over my card index which contained the names and addresses of all the larvae worth knowing in North American. The cards went everywhere.I was too tired to stop to pick them that night. As I went, however, I noticed the wasp was flying about in circles over the scattered cards. "Maybe Miriam will pick them up", I said half laughingly to myself, never thinking for one moment that such would be the case.When I came down the next morning Miriam was still asleep in her box, evidently tired out. And well she might have been. For there on the floor lay the cards scattered all about just as I had left them the night before. The faithful little insect had buzzed about all night trying to come to some decision about picking them up and arranging them in the boxes for me, and then had figured out for herself that, as she knew practically nothing on larvae of any sort except wasp larvae, she would probably make more of a mess of rearranging them than if she had left them on the floor for me to fix. It was just too much for her to tackle, and discouraged, she went over and lay down in her box, where she cried herself to sleep. When the card index scattered on the floor, the author ______.
A. decided to pick them up the next morning
B. believed Miriam would pick them up
C. didn"t understand why Miriam flew about over the cards
D. found it ridiculous that Miriam would pick them up
A. 必须为经纪人开展理赔工作打好基础
B. 直接关系到眼前经纪业务的成交与否,也事关客户关系的长远发展
C. 应该使客户明确保险人的权利和义务
D. 必须使客户了解经纪人服务的专业性和全面性
村民李强于2007年11月1日向同村王甘借款1000元,双方约定以李强所有的母牛为质担保李强还钱,如果2008年6月1日不还款,母牛即转归王甘所有。2007年12月1日,王甘将牛牵回自家。12月15日,王甘发现牛生病,急忙找来兽医医治,虽牛复原,但花费医药费50元。2008年4月1日,母牛生下一头小牛。李强与王甘为小牛的归属发生争执。问: 王甘自何时起享有对母牛的质权为什么
甲、乙、丙、丁四个人。甲向乙借款10万元,将自己的家用电器作为抵押,并与乙订了抵押合同,但没有登记。之后,甲又向丙借款10万元,将已经抵押了的家用电器转移丙占有作为质押。后来甲经营失利,无力偿债。其间,丙把家用电器损坏,交由丁修理,修理费用2万元,丙没有支付2万元修理费,丁留置该家用电器。问: 丁能否留置该家用电器为什么