Milosevic"s DeathFormer Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic was found dead last Saturday in his cell at the Hague-based International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The 64-year-old had been on trial there since February 2002.Born in provincial Pozarevac in 1941, he was the second son of a priest and a school teacher. Both of his parents died when he was still a young adult. The young Milosevic was "untypical", says Slavolub Djukic, his unofficial biographer. He was "not interested in sports, avoided excursions (短途旅行) and used to come to school dressed in the old-fashioned way—white shirt and tie." One of his old friends said, he could "imagine him as a station-master or punctilious (一丝不苟) civil servant."Indeed that is exactly what he might have become, had he not married Mira. She was widely believed to be his driving force.At university and beyond he did well. He worked for various firms and was a communist party member. By 1986 he was head of Serbia"s Central Committee. But still he had not yet really been noticed.It was Kosovo that gave him his chance. An autonomous province of Serbia, Kosovo was home to an Albanian majority and a Serbian minority. In 1989, he was sent there to calm fears of Serbians who felt they were discriminated against. But instead he played the nationalist card and became their champion. In so doing, he changed into a ruthless (无情的) and determined man. At home with Mira he plotted the downfall of his political enemies. Conspiring (密谋) with the director of Serbian T. V., he mounted a modern media campaign which aimed to get him the most power in the country.He was elected Serbian president in 1990. In 1997, he became president of Yugoslavia. The rest of the story is well-known: his nationalist card caused Yugoslavia"s other ethnic groups to fight for their own rights, power and lands. Yugoslavia broke up when four of the six republics declared independence in 1991. War started and lasted for years and millions died. Then Western countries intervened. N.A.T.O. bombed Yugoslavia, and he eventually stepped down as state leader in 2000.Soon after this, Serbia"s new government, led by Zoran Djindjic, arrested him and sent him to face justice at the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal in the Hague. Which of the following is NOT true of the young Milosevic
A. He dressed in a pretty old-fashioned way.
B. He was not interested in sports.
C. He often avoided excursions.
D. He was extremely ambitious.
Milosevic"s DeathFormer Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic was found dead last Saturday in his cell at the Hague-based International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The 64-year-old had been on trial there since February 2002.Born in provincial Pozarevac in 1941, he was the second son of a priest and a school teacher. Both of his parents died when he was still a young adult. The young Milosevic was "untypical", says Slavolub Djukic, his unofficial biographer. He was "not interested in sports, avoided excursions (短途旅行) and used to come to school dressed in the old-fashioned way—white shirt and tie." One of his old friends said, he could "imagine him as a station-master or punctilious (一丝不苟) civil servant."Indeed that is exactly what he might have become, had he not married Mira. She was widely believed to be his driving force.At university and beyond he did well. He worked for various firms and was a communist party member. By 1986 he was head of Serbia"s Central Committee. But still he had not yet really been noticed.It was Kosovo that gave him his chance. An autonomous province of Serbia, Kosovo was home to an Albanian majority and a Serbian minority. In 1989, he was sent there to calm fears of Serbians who felt they were discriminated against. But instead he played the nationalist card and became their champion. In so doing, he changed into a ruthless (无情的) and determined man. At home with Mira he plotted the downfall of his political enemies. Conspiring (密谋) with the director of Serbian T. V., he mounted a modern media campaign which aimed to get him the most power in the country.He was elected Serbian president in 1990. In 1997, he became president of Yugoslavia. The rest of the story is well-known: his nationalist card caused Yugoslavia"s other ethnic groups to fight for their own rights, power and lands. Yugoslavia broke up when four of the six republics declared independence in 1991. War started and lasted for years and millions died. Then Western countries intervened. N.A.T.O. bombed Yugoslavia, and he eventually stepped down as state leader in 2000.Soon after this, Serbia"s new government, led by Zoran Djindjic, arrested him and sent him to face justice at the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal in the Hague. All of the following persons changed his fate in one way or another EXCEPT ______
A. Mira
B. his parents
C. Zoran Djindjic
D. the Director of Serbian T. V.
Photos Big Business NowPhotos that you might have found down the back of your sofa are now big business! In 2005, the American artist Richard Prince"s photograph of a photographer, Untitled (Cow- boy), was sold for $1,248,000.Prince is certainly not the only contemporary artist to have worked with so-called "found photographs"—a loose term given to everything from discarded(丢弃的) prints discovered in a junk shop to old advertisements or amateur photographs from a stranger"s family album.The German artist Joachim Schmid, who believes "basically everything is worth looking at", has gathered discarded photographs, postcards and newspaper images since 1982. In his on-going project, Archiv, he groups photographs of family life according to themes: people with dogs; teams; new cars; dinner with the family; and so on.Like Schmid, the editors of several self-published art magazines also champion (捍卫) found photographs. One of them, called simply Found, was born on one snowy night in Chicago, when Davy Rothbard returned to his car to find under his wiper (雨刷) an angry note intended for someone else: "Why"s your car HERE at HER place" The note became the starting point for Rothbard"s addictive publication, which features found photographs sent in by readers, such as poster discovered in our drawer.The whole found-photograph phenomenon has raised some questions. Perhaps one of the most difficult is: can these images really be considered as art And if so, whose art Yet found photographs produced by artists, such Richard Prince, may riding his horse hurriedly to meet someone Or how did Prince create this photograph It"s anyone"s guess. In addition, as we imagine the back-story to the people in the found photographs artists, like Schmid, have collated (整理), we also turn toward to our own photographic albums. Why is memory so important to us Why do we all seek to freeze in time the faces of our children, our parents, our lovers, and ourselves Will they mean anything to anyone after we"ve goneIn the absence of established facts, the vast collections of found photographs give our minds an opportunity to wander freely. That, above all, is why they are so fascinating. By asking a series of questions in Para 5, the author mainly intends to indicate that ______.
A. memory of the past is very important to people
B. found photographs allow people to think freely
C. the back-story of found photographs is puzzling
D. the real value of found photographs is questionable
A. 阑尾
B. 阿是穴
C. 合谷
D. 曲池
E. 上巨虚
The Northern LightsThe sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather. It is so hot and active that even the Sun"s gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check! Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour. These particles are called plasma, and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun, the stronger the solar wind.The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth, but don"t worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet. The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles. The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth"s magnetic field, the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earth"s atmosphere at the poles. As the electrons fall into the Earth, they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere, creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmospheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky, they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.Watching auroras is fun and exciting, but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada. The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate, flicker, or even move like waves. During solar maximum, auroras are seen as far south as Florida, even Mexico!Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground, but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground, a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly. A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long, a few hundred kilometers high, but only a few hundred meters thick.We hope you are able to travel to far-north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime. We know you will never forget it! The auroras are formed when the electrons falling into the Earth"s atmosphere at the poles and colliding with gas molecules in the atmosphere.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned