
I must have ______ for ten minutes before the telephone operator put me through.

A. hung about
B. hung up
C. hung on
D. hung round


One cannot ______ getting good pictures on television unless there is a relay station within 160 kilometres

A. encounter
B. account for
C. count on
D. discount

Every word processor we sell comes with a two year ______.

A. assurance
B. protection
C. security
D. guarantee


A. 意识模糊,睡眠障碍,行为失常
B. 腱反射亢进,肌张力增高
C. 病理反射阳性
D. 扑翼样震颤阳性
E. 幻视、幻听、幻嗅

The windows were ______ high up in the walls of the castle.

A. Set
B. fixed
C. seated
D. settled
