A customer has just received three enterprise systems that support a total of 48 LPARs. Which installation method expedite the process?()
A. Network installation manager
Boot from installation media
C. A migration install
D. Copy the system using the HMC
You enabled Flashback Data Archive on the INVENTORY table.Which DDL operation is supported on the table after enabling Flashback Data Archive?()
A. Drop the table.
B. Partition the table
C. Truncate the table.
D. Add a column to the table.
E. Rename a column in the table.
A. 这类病毒的共有特性是运行时从体内释放出一个或几个新的病毒到系统目录下
B. 这类病毒的共有特性是本身具有好看的图标来诱惑用户点击,当用户点击这类病毒时,病毒便会直接对用户计算机产生破坏,如格式化C盘(Harm.formatf)、杀手命令(Harm.CommanKiller)等
C. 本身具有好看的图标来诱惑用户点击,当用户点击这类病毒时,病毒会做出各种破坏操作来吓唬用户,其实病毒并没有对用户计算机进行任何破坏,如女鬼(JokGirlghost)病毒。
D. 共有特性是通过网络传播,给系统开后门,给用户计算机带来安全隐患,如IRC(Internet Relay Chat互联网中继聊天)后门Backdoor.IRCBot
A. 洪仁玕
B. 萧朝贵
C. 杨秀清
D. 韦昌耀