患者男性,53岁,因“右侧肾盂癌根治术后3年,血尿1周”就诊。患者于3年前,因右肾盂癌于当地医院行右侧肾盂癌根治术,术后门诊定期随诊。1周前患者无明显诱因出现肉眼血尿,无尿频、尿急,无排尿费力等不适。遂至门诊就诊。尿常规检查:尿隐血(+++)。尿脱落细胞检查:可见核异形性细胞。B超检查:右肾缺如,左肾、输尿管未见异常,膀胱内多发低回声占位。膀胱镜检查:膀胱左侧壁、后壁多发菜花样隆起。活检提示膀胱移行细胞癌(G3)。 该患者下一步的治疗方案是()【提示】患者再次人院,肾功能检查:血肌酐388μmol/L;电解质检测:血钾6.0mmol/L。血常规:白细胞计数32×109/L,中性粒细胞0.91。B超检查:提示左肾轻度积水。
A. 纠正水电解质紊乱
B. 抗感染治疗
C. 血液透析
D. 左肾造瘘
E. 拔除双J管
F. 输尿管新膀胱再植
A. 高流量吸氧
B. 吸痰
C. 强心利尿
D. 甘露醇脱水
E. 气管插管,机械通气
F. 心电监测
G. 静滴氨茶碱
H. 大剂量抗生素
You work as a network exchange administrator at examways.com.the examways.com network currently consists of a single active directory forest containing a single domain named company.com.both the forest and the domain operate at the windows server 2003 functional level.the company.com organization currently makes use of microsoft exchange server 2003 service pack 2 (sp2) as their messaging solution.during the course of the business week you receive instruction from company.com to migrate the messaging system to exchange server 2010 whilst preparing the active directory environment for the deployment of microsoft exchange server 2010. what should you do first?()
A. you should prepare the active directory forest by having the setup.com /adprep.exe /forest prep command run.
B. you should prepare the active directory forest by having the setup.com /pre pare schema command run.
C. you should prepare the active directory domain by having the setup.com /pre paread command run.
D. you should prepare the active directory domain by having the setup.com /pre pare domain command run.
A. 0.5
B. 1
C. 10
D. 100