
关于作者的说法,正确的有( )

A. 甲为完成历史论文,请乙帮忙翻译了法文参考资料。该历史论文的作者是甲与乙
B. 甲提供资金给乙,乙利用资金完成了一座雕塑作品。该雕塑作品的作者是乙
C. 学生甲帮助老师乙收集、整理案例资料,乙根据案例资料完成了论文。该论文的作者是甲和乙
D. 甲到乡下采风,村民乙为其提供了大量民间流传的故事。甲根据这些故事写作了小说。该小说的作者是甲


Which kind of abstract is more common and usually includes the "results" of the research?

A. Indicative abstract
B. Descriptive abstract
C. Informative abstract

Which one of the following can not be categorized as the method(s) in an abstract?

A. experimental data
B. the hypothesis of the research
C. the participants of the survey
D. the subjects of the experiment
E. the material used in the research

Choose the usual necessary components for an informative abstract (exclude the optional section)

A. Background of the research
B. Objectives of the paper
C. Significance of the research
D. Methods
E. Results/findings
F. Conclusion
G. Discussion
H. Implication

旅游业发展应当遵循社会效益、经济效益和生态效益相统一的原则。国家鼓励各类市场主体在有效保护旅游资源的前提下,依法合理利用旅游资源。( )

A. 正确
B. 错误
