

A. 停泵,向泵内灌液
B. 降低泵的安装高度
C. 检查进口管路是否有泄漏现象
D. 检查出口管路阻力是否过大


3 What should you consider when deciding on housing?

A. The condition of the buses.
B. The types of washing machines.
C. The music in the bars.
D. The distance to classes.

4 Why are student residences a good place to live?

A. You can speak your own language.
B. You have more time to do homework.
C. You can make friends easily.
D. You can get exposure to a new entertainment.

5 What is the advantage of sharing an apartment with another student?

A. It is more affordable.
B. There is less homework.
C. There is more food in the apartment.
D. The parties are better.

1 Which is one of the best ways to learn a new language?

A. To download an app.
B. To hire a tutor.
C. To study abroad.
D. To take a course.
