
习近平总书记指出,“物有甘苦,尝之者识;道有夷险,履之者知。”在这场波澜壮阔的抗疫斗争中,我们积累了重要经验,收获了深刻启示。这体现了( )

A. 物质决定意识
B. 感性认识决定理性认识
C. 实践决定认识
D. 社会存在决定社会意识


Before you move into a rented property, you'll do an with the estate agent, which is a list of everything which is in the apartment, and its condition.

means extremely clean. There is an adjective with the opposite meaning in the dialogue — , which means extremely dirty.

If you rent a house in the UK, the usual steps include:

A. Phoning the estate agent
B. Looking around a property
C. Signing a contract
D. Moving out

When the estate agent said, "places in this area get snapped up fast", she meant that

A. there is high demand for apartments in this neighbourhood.
B. houses can beeaten very fast, like a crocodile.
C. it is very easy to get a house in this area.
D. it is very hard to get an apartment in this area.
