
病人,女性,76岁,因急性广泛前壁心肌梗死急诊入院。入院后经扩张冠状动脉抗凝治疗,目前胸痛缓解,病情已平稳,1小时前病人突感心悸、气短,不能平卧,咳粉红色泡沫痰。查体:BP 90/60mmHg,R 28次/分,神志清楚,坐位口唇发绀 ,两肺满布湿罗音及哮鸣音。该病人目前的心功能为IV级,病人的休息方式应该是

A. 活动没有任何限制
B. 避免重体力活动
C. 充分休息,增加睡眠时间
D. 卧床休息为主,允许慢慢下床进行排尿、排便活动
E. 绝对卧床休息


Mr. Peterson:Hi, Betty. I’m Ralph Peterson. Nice to meet you again.Betty:Nice to meet you, Mr. Peterson. I’m so pleased you could come. Will you sit here, please?Mr. Peterson:Thank you, Betty. You know, my company recently wants to set 1 _________in our building.After reading your brochures, I’m very interested.Betty:Thank you very much! I’ll be very glad to hear your comments. Could you tell me your demand?Mr. Peterson:Our company was established last month. We need to set up a LAN through the2 _________.And the LAN can hold at least 50 computers working at the same time.Betty:No problem. I’m sure that We can provide the highest level of 3 _________.Mr. Peterson:How long would it take before I could see the plan?Betty:Generally, the time we take to complete the plan is 3-5 days.Mr. Peterson:That sounds very good. We want the network to be 4 _________and 5_________. What’smore, we quite hope thatthe LAN has internal 6_________.Betty:OK, I see. Mr. Peterson, here is my business card and a folder for you, whichincludes our company profile and a price list. I hope it will help you.Mr. Peterson:Thank you.Betty:If you have any questions please contact me. You will find my telephone numberand email addresson my card.Mr. Peterson:OK. I’d like to say goodbye to you now. Thank you for your time.Betty:I’m very glad to have met you, Mr. Peterson. Let’s keep in touch. Goodbye.



