WiFi遵循的协议标准是 _________,其数据链路层采用_________协议来解决冲突问题。
_______ is the first published collection of poems by Robert Frost.
A. Mountain Interval
B. A Boy's Will
C. North of Boston
D. The Road Not Taken
_________ is a prominent leader for " Harlem Renaissance" in 1920s America.
A. Ezra Pound
B. Robert Frost
C. Langston Hughes
D. Archibald MacLeish
The famous line " A poem should not mean/But be" comes from______________.
A. "Dreams" by Langston Hughes
B. "Me and the Mule" by Ezra Pound
C. "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
D. "Ars Poetica" by Archibald MacLeish.