
Theopening betweenthevocal cords is sometimes referred to as __________.

A. glottis
B. vocal cavity
C. pharynx
D. uvula


Thediphthongs thatare made witha movement ofthetongue towardsthecenter are known as __________ diphthongs.

A. wide
B. closing
C. narrow
D. centering

Whichbranch ofphonetics concerns theproduction ofspeech sounds?

Acoustic phonetics
B. Articulatory phonetics
C. Auditory phonetics
D. None oftheabove

Whichvowel is differentfrom theothers according to thecharacteristics ofvowels?

A. [i:]
B. [u]
C. [e]
D. [i]

__________ is one of the suprasgemental features.

A. voicing
B. stop
C. deletion
D. tone
