
Which statement about bacteriophages is not right?

A. Viruses infect bacteria,
B. viruses infect human
C. viruses infect fungi.
D. Viruses infect spirochete,


Which of the following elements is called “jumping genes”?

A. transposons
B. Plasmid,
C. virulent phages
D. prophage

Which of the following is a NOT true statement concerning Transposable Genetic Elements ?

A. They move from one location to another within a chromosome.
B. They contain single-stranded DNA.
C. IS may result in insertion mutation.
D. Transposons may confer antibiotics resistance.

Which statement is not right about bacterial genetics materials?

A. RTF in R-plasmid codes sex pili;
B. R-plasmid responsible for drug-resistance;
C. All R plasmids are conjugative plasmid.
D. R-plasmid carries R determinants.

A plasmid is:

A. extrachromosomal DNA which closed circular double stranded molecule.
B. a molecule of RNA found in bacterial cells
C. distinguished from a chromosome by being circular
D. a structure in bacterial cells formed from plasma membrane
